In a heartwarming turn of events, a beloved pet, Kovu the cat, has been reunited with his owner after an absence of two years. The reunion happened with the help of Aggieland Humane Society, an organization dedicated to helping stray and lost animals find new homes or, ideally, reconnect with their original families.
In 2022, during a move between houses in College Station, Kovu managed to escape through an open door. His owner, Melanie Vicic, has been diligently refreshing local lost and found pages and frequently visiting local animal control units and the Aggieland Humane Society in the hopes of a joyful reunion.
Ashley Quick, the communication coordinator of Aggieland Humane Society, reported that Kovu was discovered on Southwest Parkway and transferred to their shelter on July 6. Kovu, like all animals residing at the shelter, was routinely vaccinated and underwent a microchip scan. Although Kovu was microchipped, the scan came back inconclusive, drawing attention to the fact that microchips can sometimes migrate or fall out.
Despite this, it is undeniable that microchipping increases the chances of finding a lost pet. According to a study by microchip and pet tracking company Peeva, microchipped cats are returned to their owners 38.5% of the time, while without a microchip, the return rate drops to a mere 1.8%.
Aggieland Humane Society maintains a policy of holding animals for 72 hours in anticipation of finding their original owners. During this period, Vicic’s relentless scanning of the lost and found pages paid off as a friend spotted Kovu listed there. Overwhelmed with emotion, Vicic immediately journeyed from Houston to ascertain if it indeed was Kovu.
Vicic confirmed, “They brought him into the room, I looked at him, and he looked just like my boy. When I called out, ‘Hey, Kovu,’ he jumped up, kissed my arm, and lay down. It was, I think, the best feeling I’ve ever experienced and the happiest I’ve been in a very long time.” Ashley Quick added that the tearful reconnections between pets and their families are what makes their work worthwhile.
Amidst the joy of Kovu’s return home, both Vicic and Quick encouraged pet owners to never lose hope and continue their efforts to locate their missing pets. Quick urged, “We don’t want people to give up hope if their cat’s gone missing. The cat could be at your local shelter, so always check.”
For more information about Aggieland Humane Society or to peruse their lost and found animals, please visit their website.
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