Minors Approached by Armed Individuals in Two Separate Incidents

Children approached by strangers

Minors Approached by Armed Individuals in Two Separate Incidents

Bryan police respond to two armed approach incidents involving minors

In Bryan, Texas, two separate instances of minors being approached by potentially dangerous individuals wielding firearms have shaken the community. The local law enforcement authorities responded swiftly to the incidents, although it remains unknown whether they are connected.

Incident Details released by Bryan Police Department

In the late hours of the recent Friday, a minor was dropped off within walking distance of his home situated off Tabor Road, to the north of Highway 21. A trio of suspicious individuals, one of whom was clearly brandishing a firearm, approached him. The child managed to escape the situation and returned home, where his family immediately alerted the authorities about the incident.

Just a night later, another child reported a similar experience in a location merely four minutes away. The minor stated that he was near Highway 21 and 18th Street, engaged in a game of basketball, when a suspicious vehicle attracted his attention. Suddenly, the occupants of the vehicle revealed they were armed and began their approach. The child fled the scene unharmed, returning home to inform his family who promptly contacted the police.

No suspects have been taken into custody thus far in relation to these incidents, as confirmed by Bryan police authorities.

Bryan Police Offer Safety Advice

In light of these unnerving occurrences, the Bryan Police Department has come forward with several safety guidelines for local residents, particularly for minors who regularly commute on foot. The key advisory is to avoid solitary walks whenever possible, to deter such hazardous encounters. They strongly recommend parents to maintain a reliable form of communication with their children during such visits.

The authorities also advice that in case of a distressing encounter involving weapon-wielding individuals, one must strive to maintain calm, ideally comply with their demands, and seek shelter ASAP. Securing oneself within a nearby building or home and calling 9-1-1 is the most recommended course of action.

Bryan police insist on immediate reporting of any such event paired with an accurate and detailed description of the suspect for law enforcement use. Meanwhile, Bryan city council recently approved overnight security for Midtown Park enhancing the safety of the area.

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