Major Fixes Looming for Brazos County Expo Center, Details Revealed by Project Manager

Expo Center Renovation Concept

Major Fixes Looming for Brazos County Expo Center, Details Revealed by Project Manager

Major Fixes Looming for Brazos County Expo Center, Details Revealed by Project Manager

Published on May 7, 2024


A daunting financial challenge looms over the Brazos County Expo Center in Bryan, Texas. Recent project assessments suggest that the Expo Center, which has been experiencing problems linked to aging infrastructure, could require an estimated $10 million in repairs, a figure that does not even include the potential cost of roof work. The project manager, Trevor Lansdown, shared details about the issues in the recent Commissioner’s Court Tuesday meeting.

The Issues at Hand

According to Lansdown, the Brazos County Expo Center, which houses multiple buildings, faces a variety of issues. The wear and tear on the infrastructure is quite visible and ranges from aging pipes, faults in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system, worn-out roofing, to deteriorating sidewalks. Lansdown provided several pictures to give a clear image of the current state of the Expo Center.

Brazos County did build several buildings in a tighter window, so I think we’re gonna see a lot of these bigger mechanical items and site infrastructure issues pop up in the next few years,” Lansdown predicted.

What’s Next for the Expo Center?

The daunting figure of roughly $10 million was cited as the estimated expenditure required to fix the identified issues. This figure, however, does not take into account the cost of potential roof work. To fully assess the scope of the necessary repairs, Lansdown and a team of architects will be conducting further examinations of the buildings in the coming weeks.

Continuing Developments

While the grand scale of these issues may seem overwhelming, it’s important to remember that this situation is still developing. There will be continued efforts to assess and handle the situation, which means more information and plans will become available as the project moves forward.

Impact on the Community

The Brazos County Expo Center is a multi-purpose facility that has been serving as a venue for numerous community, regional, and national events. The necessary repairs and renovations to the infrastructure will ensure that it remains a vital part of the community, accommodating a variety of events and serving as a crucial economic engine for the region.

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